Jules Kaufmann - Apprentice
Jules Kaufmann began his training at AESA Cortaillod nearly two years ago.
He is also the co-founder of AESA's website and oversees all aspects of the organization's communication. This includes creating videos for YouTube, crafting posts for LinkedIn, producing photographs, and much more.

Mario Colpa - Marketing Director
With a deep understanding of market trends and consumer behavior, Mario ensures that AESA's message resonates effectively with its target audience. He also collaborates closely with other departments to align marketing efforts with the company's overall objectives.
Welcome to the official website of AESA! My name is Jules Kaufmann, and I have the honor of being a co-founder of this platform. I greatly look forward to reading your feedback, as your insights are invaluable in shaping the future of AESA. Thank you for visiting, and I hope to connect with you again soon! 🙂